Current Funding

NIH, NIDCD R21 DC016664 (Green, PI) (2018-2021)
Assessing and Restoring Lip Motor Function Following Facial Transplantation

MGH Collaborative Center for X-linked Dystonia Parkinsonism (Green, PI) (2019-2021)

Identifying physiological markers of speech and swallowing impairment across phenotypes in individuals with XDP: a longitudinal study

Past Funding

NIH, NCTAS TL1 TR002546 (Kent, PI) (2018-2020)

CTSA Graduate Program

NIH, NIDCD F31 FDC015941A (Perry, PI) (2017-2019)

Anatomic and biomechanic biomarkers of lingual impairment in persons with ALS

Sponsor: Jordan Green, PhD, CCC-SLP